Sperm Donation
Undoubtedly donor insemination as a means of alleviating childlessness is a well accepted practice, that will keep its place in human reproduction.
Even in today’s day and age where far more sophisticated assisted reproduction techniques to treat male infertility are on offer, donor sperm may still be required as it is the only hope of a baby for men who are completely sterile.
It is not easy finding a donor, and some couples, single women or women in same sex relationships may wish to consider asking a close friend or non-genetic family member to help them achieve a pregnancy.
In order to enable this to happen in a regulated manner to protect donors, recipients and any potential children, the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority (HFEA) that regulate fertility treatment in the UK have issued strict regulations that must be adhered to.
If someone you know would like to act as a sperm donor for you, we can organise a full assessment package for them as known donors. From time to time, we may also recruit sperm donors. For more information, please click here or contact us directly.
Information about Sperm Donation

Fertility Treatment
- Intrauterine Insemination IUI
- Sperm Donation
Have a question?
We understand that fertility is a very personal and private matter. We’re here to answer any questions you may have. Contact us to arrange an appointment or read our FAQs.